Long distance cycle rides in WA

Long distance cycle rides in WA

Long distance cycle rides in WA

Updated: 21 Sept 2018
Tatum Stafford

WA is blessed with exceptional scenery. From towering forests, rolling hills and farmland to white-sand beaches and ragged clifftop coastline.Take advantage of these long-distance tracks and trails to truly immerse yourself in the regions’ beautiful landscape.

WA is blessed with exceptional scenery. From towering forests, rolling hills and farmland to white-sand beaches and ragged clifftop coastline. Take advantage of these long-distance tracks and trails to truly immerse yourself in the regions’ beautiful landscape. [gallery link="none" columns="2" size="full" ids="https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/Cycling-Busselton-Shutterstock-1200x675.jpg|Busselton,https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/Cycling-Rottnest2-Shutterstock-1200x675.jpg|Rottnest"]

Munda Biddi Trail

At more than 1000km and travelling from Mundaring to Albany, the Munda Biddi Trail takes in the most spectacular bush scenery in WA. Along with native flora, you're likely to spot echidnas, kangaroos, wallabies and numerous species of reptiles and birds. You don't need to be in a Lycra-clad brigade to ride the Munda Biddi, just make sure you've got decent equipment and a healthy stamina.

Darling Scarp section of the Munda Biddi Trail

If you're tackling the Munda Biddi Trail in sections and are looking for a challenge, head to the northern part where you'll grind up and down the river valleys in the Darling Scarp. Sleep overnight in the purpose-built shelters (spaced a day's ride apart). The huts are impressively equipped with sleeping and sitting areas, water tanks and a toiler - some even include a bike-repair stand. Be sure to pack a tent anyway so you can travel at your own pace rather than gunning it to reach a shelter before nightfall. [gallery link="none" columns="1" size="full" ids="https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/Cycling-HayStreet-Shutterstock-1200x675.jpg|Perth CBD"]

Kep Track

Also starting in Mundaring (specifically from the Mundaring Weir) is the Kep Track, which finishes in Northam. The track is aligned to the Golden Pipeline Drive Trail, one of the greatest engineering feats in Australian history (cheers to CY O'Connor). Cycling whizzes can finish the 75km track in a day but it's gruelling in parts, so an overnight stay is recommended - and local visitor centres can help source accommodation. The first section through the hills is the most picturesque, and from there it gets straight, sandy and punishing. Once you're clear of the sand, however, the descent into Northam is cruisy. If you want to dodge the desert-like portion, there are several access points so you can park and ride from the towns along the way.

Denmark Nornalup Rail Trail

A great ride through the Great Southern is the Denmark to Nornalup Rail Trail. About 60km of this trail is open, meandering along a beautiful section of the coast, with the eastern end (Denmark) packed with great spots for trailside picnics and photos. Spring is the best time to ride it; the wildflowers are blooming and the heat isn't unbearable. If you decide to cycle during the summer, prepare to be buzzed by flies as you pass through the dairy paddocks...they are seriously off-putting and make the ride far less enjoyable. The route is well signposted and you can grab a local pamphlet for $2, which has the complete map and is easy to follow. West of Denmark has limited or no mobile phone coverage and no amenities. [gallery link="none" columns="1" size="full" ids="https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/Cycling-PerthCBD-Shutterstock-1200x675.jpg|"]

Margaret River to Cowaramup

For a short ride that's suitable for families, try a cycle from Margaret River to Cowaramup. The ride is ideal for all ages and any calibre of bikes, and is best accomplished at a leisurely pace. The 13.5km trip weaves through peppermint, jarrah and young karri forest, where you'll get a firsthand view of the abundant birdlife. Best of all, the ride finishes at one Voyager Estate...stop in and reward your efforts by sampling some of their drops. ​
Image credit: Rottnest, Busselton and Perth CBD - Shutterstock
Long distance cycle rides in WA - Localista