Revelation announces Couched Online Film Festival for July, featuring international film premieres
Revelation announces Couched Online Film Festival for July, featuring international film premieres
Updated: 9 Jun 2020
Localista Team
To tide us by until this year’s festival can take place later in the year, Revelation Film Festival have announced an online film festival, taking place in July.Couched will run online via Eventive from 9-19 July, presenting a selection of features and documentaries from across the world, including a number of film premieres.
Featuring live panels, talks, presentations and short films, this state of the art platform offers tailored viewing experiences and aims to provide as close to a full festival experience as possible.
“We exist to show films, and that’s something we will continue to do. Most films will be available Australia wide for the duration of the fest and several will be made available internationally, ” says Jack Sargeant, Program Director.
“This gives us an opportunity to showcase movies across the world, and give people a small taste of what we do.”
The program already has a cutting edge line up of documentaries, such as Cold Case Hammarskjöld, a down the rabbit hole examination of an unsolved mystery, Forman Vs Forman providing an introspective look at filmmaker Milos Forman and the imaginative essay film Through The Bloody Mists of Time.
Feature films to look out for include 1000 Kings, challenging Ukrainian film Atlantis, Indian sci-fi Cargo, small town scandal in Frances Ferguson, John Carpenter's narration of the thriving 'synthwave" movement in The Rise of the Synths and VHYes, a retro mix-tape of 1980's nostalgia.
There are also a lot of homegrown Aussie films you can check out, such as Morgana, rapid fire comedy/horror/sci-fi/rom-com An Ideal Host, deadpan comedy The Florist co-production), and Shaun Katz's vibrant view of alt-rock, grunge and post punk 90s music in Underground Inc: The Rise & Fall of Alternative Rock.
Revelation has been working in the online space for some time says Festival Director Richard Soweda.
“We've had RevonDemand, our online streaming service of 200+ films for five years."
“Fortunately that experience and reputation has allowed us to dive deeply into the contemporary international film scene and surface with a program of 25+ new and stellar international feature, documentaries and shorts."
Films will be available for rent for a 24 hour period through the fest, with titles available regionally, nationally and even internationally.
Passes are on sale now via the Eventive platform and the full program will be released later this month.
For further information please visit the Revelation website.
Read more about Revelation’s streaming portal here:
Catch their June new releases here: