Jana Vodesil-Baruffi

Updated: 4 Apr 2016
Localista Team

Jana Vodesil-Baruffi showcases some of her latest works this season.

The Weight of Freedom
$6500 | Oil on canvas, 160x120cm

This is the weight of freedom.
The heaviness of bricks and mortar
The tricks of sticks and stones
The sweetness in the tea
The extra lump
And unbearable promise
of something more.

Motion of decisions
$10,500 | Oil on canvas, 200x120cm

A decision – any decision
will create enough motion
for me to gather up these thoughts
and scatter them into the wind.
I probably won't know if it's the wrong decision.
But if life becomes more precious,
it will have been right.

Not for Sale | Oil on canvas

Artwork | A piece from a new collection of paintings (in production) inspired by
the book Half the Sky, with the hope of bringing attention to modern slavery
and the oppression of women and girls in the developing world.

Whisper of Something More
$4500 | Oil on canvas, 85x150cm

To spread your wings
you need only a few things
The breeze at dusk
An open sky
The blanket lifted
Eyes cast upwards
and the whisper of something more.


Jana Vodesil-Baruffi blends astute realism with lush fantasy, creating images that are at once familiar and otherworldly. An artist who has always appreciated the organic shapes of nature and the human body, Vodesil-Baruffi makes visible the mystery that lies beneath the observable world. In her work, human breath merges with gusts of wind, trees grow out of bodies, and bodies turn to rivers. Colours embody energy, and the movement that pulls the eye across each painting seems to be gesturing toward a wide-open abyss of emotion. Visit www.janavodesil.com

Represented by
Metamorphosis Art Gallery
Unit 7/16 Yampi Way, Willetton
(08) 9259 5412

Jana Vodesil-Baruffi - Localista