Places to go in Dunsborough & Yallingup

Places to go in Dunsborough & Yallingup

Places to go in Dunsborough & Yallingup

Updated: 13 Sept 2018
Tian Sisak

Four stunning attractions & natural wonders of Dunsborough & Yallingup that you have to go to...

Four stunning attractions & natural wonders of Dunsborough & Yallingup that you have to go to...

Ngilgi Cave

Learn about an Aboriginal legend and listen to the Dreamtime story of Ngilgi and Wolgine as you gaze up at limestone shawl formations. Explore at your own pace on the semi-guided Show Cave Tour, or delve deeper into the cave on an adventure tour, crawling and rock-scrambling to the underground riverbed. Koomal Dreaming offers an excellent Aboriginal tour that includes a didgeridoo performance in the cave. [gallery columns="1" size="full" link="none" ids="|Ngilgi Cave"]

Cape Naturaliste Lighthouse

An easy climb rewards visitors to this lighthouse with breathtaking views over the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park and Geographe Bay. Friendly tour guides share stories about the modern functions of the lighthouse, how it came to be built in 1903, and the hardship experienced by the lighthouse keepers, who lived on site until 1996. Just 59 steps lead to the top, making this lighthouse accessible even for small children. Easy-to-navigate walk trails surround the lighthouse, and offer a chance to see local wildlife and wildflowers in spring. [gallery columns="1" link="none" size="full" ids="|Cape Naturalist Lighthouse"]

Canal Rocks

Just outside Yallingup, off Caves Road, you’ll find a large car park and a narrow boardwalk leading to a wheelchair-accessible bridge over the natural canal. You can look down and watch the ocean rush through the rock channel beneath your feet. The power of the massive waves crashing in is jaw-dropping. The views from Canal Rocks are stunning, and the colours of the rocks and the clear water are just breathtaking. [gallery link="none" columns="1" size="full" ids="|Canal Rocks Yallingup"]

Meelup Beach

In a region of breathtaking beaches, Meelup Beach is the prettiest little sheltered bay of them all. You’d be forgiven for thinking you’re in Sardinia – the azure water is mesmerising. In summer, on the sheltered eastern side of the cape, the beach is very popular with families and paddleboarders. In winter, you’ll often find yourself alone with nature, your own footprints the only marks on the sand. Go for a snorkel, or a fish around the rocks. Up on the shady grass area, throw down the picnic blanket and cook up a feast on one of the free barbies. Meelup means ‘place of the Moon rising’, making this the perfect beach for a full-moon rendezvous. [gallery link="none" columns="1" size="full" ids="|Meelup Beach"] ​
Image credit: Yallingup Beach feature image - Scott Slawinski, All remaining images - Shutterstock
Places to go in Dunsborough & Yallingup - Localista