If you haven’t heard of personal trainer Kayla Itsines and her ultimate bikini body workout, then where have you been
If you haven't heard of personal trainer Kayla Itsines and her ultimate bikini body workout, then where have you been? One quick Google search reveals an abundance of 'before' and 'after' pictures of women of all ages who have transformed their bodies into fit and lean figures. Scoop chats to Kayla about all things fitness.
What is the age bracket for your workout?
I recommend not to undergo my Bikini Body Training Guide if you are under the age of 16. One of the best things about my Bikini Body Training guide is that from that age, there are no limits! Mothers and daughters can definitely do it together, and I highly recommend this as well, because training with a buddy is a great form of motivation! My June transformation of the month was a 36-year-old mum – she is amazing.
Where did your passion for fitness come from?
I actually started studying beauty therapy when I first graduated from high school. However, my passion for basketball and sport in general lead me to personal training, and that's when I discovered how much I loved helping people to become healthier and happier! I have never looked back. For me, it was the most important
life-changing decision I ever made and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Kayla Itsines' bikini workout is suitable for all ages over 16.
Tell us about your fitness/clean-eating program?
I have been a trainer for nearly six years and have spent the majority of this time doing one-on-one sessions. I took my work to the online world last year and it took off more than I had ever imagined! Girls from all over the world were requesting more and more videos and photos of my training and eating styles. So, in 2014 I released my Bikini Body Training Guide and Nutrition HELP Guide, which are for women only. They can be used individually, but the best results will come from using them together.
I get a lot of questions from girls asking me about your Bikini Body Guide. What is so special about it?
My training concept is about getting the most out of limited time. Most people are time-poor so I wanted to help them burn as much fat as fast as possible in as little time as possible, without sacrificing quality of training. By applying science-based concepts to my style of training I was able to get the outcomes that girls wanted. These included flat stomachs, toned thighs, and strong, slim arms. With the customer's goal in focus, the knowledge that I had learnt over the years and a passion to create something unique, I came up with my eBook concept, The Bikini Body Guide. I guess the biggest different is the goal. Rather than being a weight-loss or a muscle-gaining program, it is simply a plan to get you a particular look and, more importantly, the feeling of absolute confidence.