Authentic French crêperies in Perth

Authentic French crêperies in Perth

Authentic French crêperies in Perth

Updated: 24 Aug 2023
Tatum Stafford
You don’t need to get on an arduously long flight to enjoy the best of French cuisine. In Perth we have a selection of establishments delivering authentic atmosphere, service and tasty versions of the classic French crepe to satisfy even the most ardent of Francophiles. From the more traditional iterations like the sour cream, salmon and dill combo to something a bit more experimental like a rum, mint and pineapple offering – you are bound to find your ideal crepe combo right here in Perth.

The Crêperie

The Crêperie has established itself as one of the premiere spots in Perth for crepes. Running the show are Arno and Julie, recent French transplants who were traveling the world when they chose Perth to be their home and a home for Perth’s first true, authentic crêperie in the Brittany style.

Chez Pierre

Long established as one of Perth’s best French restaurants, Chez Pierre has been delighting newcomers and the more initiated to French cuisine in Perth since 2007. Immaculate service, setting and food is standard fare - be sure to try their Crêpes aux Crevettes for a delicious prawn, mushroom and leek filled pillow.

La Patisserie

La Patisserie has been producing some of the best examples of French pastry for years. As well as crêpes, La Patisserie is renowned for its croissants, tarts and fresh roasted coffee, all hand made at this family owned establishment. Pop in at brekky for a ham, cheese, tomato and egg crêpe, or a fresh almond croissant.

Check out other crepêries in Perth

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Authentic French crêperies in Perth - Localista