
Updated: 4 Mar 2015
Localista Team

WA is home to eight operators offering a variety of jumps across the state, including the nation’s largest skydiving centre at York. Newest to the fold is the landing on Langley Park.

WA is home to eight operators offering a variety of jumps across the state, including the nation's largest skydiving centre at York. Newest to the fold is the landing on Langley Park.

Where to dive

Perth CBD, Rockingham and York Skydive The Beach and Beyond
1300 663 634,

Alfred Cove (between Perth and Fremantle), Pinjarra, Mandurah Beach
WA Skydiving Academy
1300 137 855,

Types of dives

Tandem | Attached safely to an instructor, this is a great way to give skydiving
a whirl. Because you're jumping secured to a professional, you don't need to have the in-depth training/preparation you would when learning to skydive solo. Tandem jumps are also popular gifts for friends and family.

Accelerated Free-fall | This recognised course, an extensive program that includes a number of stages, is designed to teach you to skydive solo. You'll be required to participate in on-the-ground training and, when first cleared to jump, it will be in the company of two instructors available to assist during free-fall.

Static Line | When jumping static line, it's generally from a low altitude. You're attached to the aircraft through a line at one end and your parachute at the other, so your fall pulls the line tight, activating your main chute. Over subsequent jumps, you will gradually increase altitude and free-fall, and learn to release your own chute.

Skydiving - Localista