Alternative Art

Alternative Art

WA's hidden art installations that blends man made with nature

Updated: 24 Aug 2023
Jessica Palmer
The West has some amazing crafty spots to explore. These marvellously unique attractions and art installations blend nature and creativity together resulting in creations unlike any you’ve seen before. We have compiled a list of some of the most unusual and quirky attractions across WA. Why not escape from the city and discover WA's hidden art installations for yourself. Be sure to pack you camera to capture those gram worthy pics along the way.

Farm Gate Art Trail

In the depth of Ravensthorpe you will find an array of unusual sculptures. A local initiative working to put Ravensthorpe on the map, the Farm Gate Art Trail is not one to be missed. Currently spanning 15 locations, locals have united their creative juices to produce some spectacular sculptures. Made with a lot of love, the masterpieces are crafted from scrap materials and themed around local fauna, flora and rural life.  Some favourites include a two-metre-tall echidna, two-storey watering can and a collection of tea pots and cups.

Gloucester Tree

Named after Prince Henry, Duke of Gloucester and former Governor-General of Australia, the Gloucester tree stands 58 metres tall in the Gloucester National Park. The tree was formerly used as a fire look-out for the local Pemberton area. If you’re willing to brave great heights, try climbing to the top of the tree where you’ll be met with an amazing tree top view of the surrounding forest.


Take a stroll through the old Swarbrick Forest in Walpole, where you will find some of the state’s oldest karri trees. The forest houses an art exhibition designed to challenge your perception of wilderness. Set over an easy 500m walk, th exhibition will expose you to a wide range of artwork from aboriginal message sticks to a giant suspended ring prompting you to considered the interconnectedness of all life’s elements.

Understory, Art in Nature

Venture to Northcliffe to experience the unique intertwining of art and nature that is the Understory Art and Nature Trail. The trail features a range of work including music, stories and sculptures. Immerse yourself in the pristine woodlands as you travel the 1.2km walk discovering the ‘spirit of place’ brought to life by each creation. Whether you’re after a truly artistic experience, or just keen for a bush walk, this trail is definitely one to check out.

Darrel Radcliffe

Artist Darrel Radcliffe is carving his way through Albany. Darrel specialises in tree art, using a chainsaw to carve creations into old tree stumps. The spectacular carvings hold so much detail that it is almost impossible to believe they were produced with such a large machine. Darrel has created a discovery trail of his finest tree sculptures which winds through his Albany property. Be sure to stop by next time you’re down south!

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