Birdwatchers in WA can spot more than half of the 800 or so species of birds in Australia, including several species that are endangered or threatened. Overall, the state is blessed with rarely explored landscapes in which twitchers can admire the birds close range.
Birdwatchers in WA can spot more than half of the 800 or so species of birds in Australia, including several species that are endangered or threatened. Overall, the state is blessed with rarely explored landscapes in which twitchers can admire the birds close range. More than 500 bird species have been recorded in WA, including 18 endemics and 3 sub-species. The best area for birds within WA is in the southwestern corner, and the area around Broome and the Kimberley. Broome is outstanding for summer migrants, mangrove species and waders, and Kununurra is renowned for parrots, honeyeaters, finches and water birds. [gallery link="none" columns="2" size="full" ids="|Black Swans at Lake Monger, Perth,|Seagulls at Leschenault Estuary, Bunbury"] The Kimberley coast has up to an 11 metre tidal range and some beautiful isolated rainforest patches, making for a unique and varied range of birds. Species including the gorgeous blue-winged kookaburra, spur-winged plover and the Tawny Frogmouth owl can all be spotted in this stunning region. Over 190 bird species can be found in the Perth metropolitan area. The city of Perth also has a number of great birding sites, featuring a large number of wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain including Lake Monger, Herdsman Lake, Bayswater Bird Sanctuary, Alfred Cove and Bibra Lake. The Araluen Botanic Park offers a variety of habitats suited to many different birds, providing them with shelter, nest sites and a wide range of food and water sources. There have been 53 species confirmed within the gardens, and include ibises, ducks, herons, owls and eagles. [gallery link="none" columns="1" size="full" ess_grid_gal="" ids="|Kununurra"]Tours
Tours within the Perth metropolitan area offer a variety of half or full-day birdwatching agendas, and depart from Perth and Fremantle. Companies can show individuals a wide variety of species or even tailor a personal bird tour by targeting certain birds individuals wish to see. Tours within the South West also offer half or full-day trips, collecting guests from lodgings by 4WD to travel to various local nature reserves. Guests are provided with binoculars, a telescope and knowledgeable field guides to assist in an informative day of birdwatching and observation. Image credit: Shutterstock