Whale Watching in the South-West

Whale Watching in the South-West

Whale watching in the South West

Updated: 14 Sept 2018
Tian Sisak
From whale nurseries to cliff-top lookouts, the South-West provides you with a generous number of viewing points to witness the whales as they migrate up North. There’s a whale nursery 65km east of Bremer Bay, so the coastal town has plenty of land-based viewing options. Head into Fitzgerald National Park where there are purpose-built whale-watching platforms at Point Ann, with camping spots nearby including St Marys Inlet. [gallery columns="2" link="none" size="full" ess_grid_gal="" ids="https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/albany-killer-whales.jpg|Killer Whale,https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/Albany-whales-Matt-Blakers.jpg|Whale spotting in Albany "]


Humpback Whales travel in a line that locals call the Humpback Highway. Travelling from the edge of King George Sound to Bald Head, with first sightings usually in June – pick up the Ocean Giants Lookout Kit available from Tourism WA. Albany was previously home to the Cheynes Beach Whaling Station, the site of which is now Whale World. Aside from information about whales, it offers a fascinating and educational look back into the (now defunct) Australian whaling industry.

Denmark & Walpole

If you’re visiting Denmark and Walpole from July to October, take South Coast Highway, then Conspicuous Beach Road and head for Conspicuous Cliff 13km east off Walpole, it has two lookouts that’s best for whale watching. One less high which is slightly less of a climb, or you can choose to venture up the stairs to the cliff-top lookout for a better view. [gallery columns="1" link="none" size="full" ids="https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/humpback-whale-augusta.jpg|Humpback Whale - Augusta"]


Around June, Flinders Bay in Augusta is often the first location where whales stop to feed as they travel from Antarctica. In July and August, a whale-watching hotspot in the Margaret River region is Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse. For a few months from September, Geographe Bay is a stop for Humpback Whales and their babies, and the endangered blue has also been sighted here.
Whale watching in the South West - Localista

Image Source: Whale (top) - Toursim WA; Killer Whale - The Amazing South Coast; Whale Spotting Albany - Matt Blakers; Humpback Whale - Legend Charters