Whale Watching in the North-West

Whale Watching in the North-West

Whale watching in WA's north west

Updated: 14 Sept 2018
Tian Sisak
Between the months of June and November, the North-West is classed as the best location to catch a glimpse of 35,000+ Humpback whales migrating between breeding and feeding grounds. Enjoy the view from above on helicopters, or on land along coastal cliffs.

Coral Coast

Blue, Humpback and even killer whales can be spotted at Ningaloo Marine Park. The whales visit twice a year – when heading North during autumn, and on their return in Spring. The northern trip is generally more off-shore, so you’re better off booking a boat cruise for a sighting, while the spring journey moves closer to shore. [gallery columns="2" link="none" size="full" ids="https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/Coral-Bay.jpg|Humpback Whale - Coral Coast,https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/Orcas.jpg|Orcas (Killer Whales) - Ningaloo"]


Whale watching in Kalbarri is popular – grab a pair of binoculars and watch from the shore (try to find somewhere high) or book a boat tour for a closer look. In Kalbarri National Park there’s Natural Bridge, Eagle Gorge and Red Bluff, which are accessible with sealed roads. Closer to town is Chinaman’s Point. (Note: there are tours that will drive you to the best whale-watching spots on land.)


Around mid-August, humpbacks and their calves come in to Exmouth Gulf, close to shore, making Exmouth a prime location, especially since the whales don’t start to head off until early November. From Town Beach, Sunrise Beach and Bundegi Beach, you can see them quite close to shore. If you’re visiting Vlamingh Head Lighthouse, the top of the hill is a great place to look out for whales.

Other worthwhile hotspots:

  • Point Quobba, north of Carnarvon, is a popular whale-watching spot.
  • A whale-watching boat charter through Shark Bay Marine Park is also worth booking.
  • Carnarvon helicopter Whale Watching tours provide a birds-eye view of the whales


A breeding location for the Humpback Whales, Broome is the optimal location for Whale Watching. Around Broome you’ll likely spot them between July and October. If heading out onto the water, remember to give the animals their space (at least 100m is recommended). It’s about 6km from Broome to Gantheaume Point, from which you can take a cruise, or alternatively, hit the beach with binoculars. [gallery columns="1" link="none" size="full" ids="https://media.localista.com.au/2018/09/humpback-calf-broome-.jpg|Humpback Calf - Broome"]

Kimberley hotspots:

  • Eco Beach Resort Broome
  • Goombaragin Eco Retreat
  • Middle Lagoon
  • Whalesong Cafe and Campground
  • Mercedes Cove Exclusive Coastal Retreat
  • Kooljaman at Cape Leveque
From June to November you can take a whale-watching tour of Camden Sound Marine Park, where the Kimberley’s humpback whales nurse their calves. Truth is, if you’re travelling along the Kimberley coastline, there are a lot of places you can stop and stay that allow for land-based whale-watching opportunities at the right time of year.
Image Source: Whale Fin - Toursim WA; Humpback Whale - SeaLife Differently; Orcas - Jacob Hill; Humpback Calf - Fiona Harvey
Whale watching in WA